Video &
Podcast Ads


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Video Advertising

Harness the power of video advertising with The Christian Post. Our platform hosts exclusive video interviews featuring prominent figures such as Christian pastors, worship leaders, marketplace influencers, celebrities, authors, and educators. These captivating interviews are prominently showcased on, spanning the homepage, article pages, and dedicated video sections.

With our video advertising offering, your brand can take center stage with pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll placements within these compelling videos. Seamlessly integrate your message alongside our engaging content, capturing the attention of our dedicated audience and maximizing the impact of your campaign.


Resolution: Min 640x360 / 16:9 ratio

Format: MP4, VAST / VPAID tag

File size: Max 100 MB

Duration: Min 15 seconds

Podcast Advertising

The Christian Post offers a diverse range of podcasts, covering the top stories of the day or week, providing listeners with insightful commentary and thought-provoking discussions. Explore our full list of CP Podcasts here.

But that's not all. As part of our commitment to excellence in audio content, we proudly operate the Edifi Podcast Network and Edifi app, providing a curated selection of shows that resonate with our audience's interests and values.

Why podcast advertising? According to the Infinite Dial 2021 survey by Edison Research, a staggering 41% of the U.S. population aged 12 and over listen to podcasts monthly. Even more compelling, 64% of heavy podcast users, defined as those who listen for at least five hours a week, express appreciation for podcast advertisers who support their favorite shows.

Harness this growing medium to connect with our dedicated listeners. From pre-roll and mid-roll ad placements to sponsorships and custom integrations, our podcast advertising solutions offer unparalleled opportunities to elevate your brand and engage with a highly receptive audience.


Duration: 60 seconds

Format: MP3 or M4A

CP Podcasts

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